A Better Music Workflow?
I produce a lot of music.
I don’t necessarily release a lot of it (or finish all of it) but I have at least 100 songs I consider developed enough to listen to, and about 300 other song files that are just riffs, beats and vocal ideas floating alone.
With so many files, projects, songs, sounds, and work in one place, I’ve developed musical workflow that borrows a lot from software development patterns. My music tends to be produced in stages and cycles.
I’ll usually start with an idea from noodling around on some instruments, then do two things:
- Record (track) instruments with the main riffs of the song or basic chord structure.
- Record a basic drum loop and bass loop, then arrange to fit song structure.
Then, I don’t do anything.
For any length of time between a day and a month, I usually don’t touch the song-in-progress. The song needs a break, while I can forget about whatever...